I love vintage, yard saling, and crafting but in my real life, my making-a-living life, I am a nurse. I work critical care and have done so most of my adult life. I saw this ad today about heart attacks and thought I ought to spread the word to everyone I can.
This is not a lecture. I am not going to tell people to quit smoking, eat less, and exercise more. Most know that. Those who say “It’s OK if I smoke, it’s only a little” are fooling themselves and that’s their problem. Eat less and exercise more, well, I need to do that too. So no lectures, at least not from me. What I will tell everyone is know the signs of a heart attack. Here’s some things you ought to know. If I leave some out, add them in comments. I won’t be offended, especially if it saves a life.
Chest Pain:
It might feel like squeezing in the center of the chest. Some folks describe it as “an elephant sitting on my chest.” It can be the indigestion that doesn’t go away no matter what is done for it. Sometimes the pain radiates, or travels, down the left arm or up to the jaw or teeth. It can feel like fullness.
Shortness of breath:
Sometimes the pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing or just feeling winded. Then again, you might be short of breath without the pain.
Nausea and/or Vomiting:
This can come with the chest pain. It is one of those things I ask if you have when you show up in my unit.
Time is Muscle: Get Moving and Get Help!!!
If you or someone you know has these symptoms and you suspect a heart attack is happening, call 911. Time is important. the sooner the person gets help the better the outcome. Please, do not be a good buddy and drive the person into the hospital. If they have an arrest you can’t drive and do CPR at the same time. The paramedics carry what the person needs in the ambulance. Follow the ambulance to the hospital and be a good friend by telling the nurses and doctors what is going on, notifying family members. If it isn’t a heart attack and the person goes home, you can drive him back.
At the Hospital
If you or your friend gets admitted please make my day and your stay a little easier by telling me what drugs (legal and illegal) you take and if you drink (and how much). I won’t be judgmental about it. I just need to know if you get crazy from withdrawal or if I need to prevent it from occurring.
If someone already had one heart attack he or she is at higher risk to have another. Smokers, couch potatoes, and obese people are at higher risk as well. As for knowing how to do CPR it really isn’t a bad idea to learn how to do it and to do it well. There are classes in your area. Call your local health department or Red Cross Chapter to find when and where the classes are being held. You can’t do it while you are driving but if the person arrests before the ambulance gets there you could help save his or her life. And saving a life is pretty cool stuff.