Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Congress: You Need a Budget!

I just read the most incredible news post, “Are Members of Congress Paid Enough” by Chris Moody. In it, he cites several members of congress who are having a difficult time getting by on their congressional salaries of $174,000 a year. He implied that a couple of those cited live paycheck to paycheck. While most people in the US do not have a salary close to this amount and are told to get by on what they make, I find it very difficult to feel sorry for someone who can’t make it on $174 per. Most Americans are learning to live on a budget, cut coupons, and just do without while these folks ask for more. Congress has the lowest approval ratings EVER and they are looking for sympathy and a handout? How about a drop in pay, a budget, and learn to live the Dave Ramsey way?


The Ticket, Yahoo News Blog, August 30, 2011  http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/members-congress-paid-enough-165641960.html

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