Monday, June 4, 2012

The Volunteer Garden: Mini Spaghetti Squash

This year our garden is doing pretty good. Yellow squash and zucchini pickin’s are a little low but there’s plenty of eggplant, tomatoes, and broccoli to make me happy. The volunteers are the best of all. What’s a volunteer? It’s a plant that came up without any assistance from you. You didn’t  plant the seed or seedling, it just came up on its own. In our garden, we have volunteer tomatoes, pumpkin, watermelon, and spaghetti squash.


When the spaghetti squash first came up I thought they were honeydews. The plant, and the fruit, look sort of the same. They didn’t get very big, though, about the size of a large tomato. I baked a few and sure enough, that’s what they are, little spaghetti squash, just right for stir-fry. If you’ve never tried spaghetti squash you should. They are low calorie and sort of like tofu….they take on the flavor of whatever sauce you cook them with. We make a vegetable stir fry with them using soy sauce and oyster flavored sauce that comes out yummy….Cheap, fast, and easy. Served over rice and its a meal.

As for the tomatoes, the volunteer plants are as big as the deliberately planted ones, if not bigger.

I love the volunteers. A little small but hearty and determined to come into this world….and onto my table.

Post by Eileen Patterson.

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