Thursday, August 7, 2014

DIY Map Decor

Map Fabric Panel

While packing and shipping my beautiful map fabric (sold in the GoofingOff shop..sorry, but a girl's got to blow her own horn sometimes) I started thinking about the things that could be made with map fabric. Sure, a person can hem the panel, sew loops on it, and hang it for …you guessed it… a map. Great idea if you are planning to teach far away since it folds up nice and doesn't tear like paper does. Still….there should be more so I looked what other crafty folks are up to and came up with these ideas.

DIY Map Artwork
Here's an idea from Martha Stewart (or the folks who work with her). These maps are paper but why not use fabric and frame it? 

Map Decorator Pillow
Catherine Holcomb from Mapology, makes these wonderful map pillows. The fabric lends itself well to throw pillows or pillow cases. 
Map bunting
Amy Mahon, from Chezlele, not only makes map pillows but map bunting, too. 

Map picnic blanket
The Domestic Goddess (hail) made this picnic blanket using the map fabric,  a vinyl tablecloth, and scraps. Check out her tutorial to learn how she did it. 

I'm sure there's a lot of other things to do with the fabric…curtains, shower curtains, tote bag (I love totes…can't stand to use plastic bags). Maybe not a shirt, though…depends how you place the countries…."Er, excuse me, you have Beijing placed over your"…..
Post by Eileen Patterson….GoofingOff 

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