Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ice Box Pickles

Folks who know me know I like to goof off. After all, that's why my shop's name is GoofingOff. My goofing off includes the kitchen. I love to cook. One of my favorite things to do is restrict myself to using what's on hand, and that includes what's in the garden.
I love cucumbers but when the cukes come in there are just so many fresh cukes you can eat until you start feeling like you are growing bumps and turning green.
A long time ago I found this recipe in the newspaper for ice box pickles and thought I would give it a try. They are wonderful. They are easy to make, taste great, and don't need cooking. No hassles with the water bath or big canner and they are ready in a day. Love to make things that are easy but still get compliments.

Ice Box Pickles
2-3 large cucumbers, sliced
1 large onion, sliced
1 tablesppoon of salt
2 cups sugar
1 cup vinegar
1 teaspoon celery seed
Sprinkle salt over cucumers and onions. Let set for an hour or more, stirring occasionally. Do not drain.
Mix the sugar, vinegar, and celery seed and pour over cucumbers. Let stand for 6 hours or overnight. Strir occasionally to make sure all the cucumber slices are covered with brine. Put the pickles in jars or bowls and store in the refrigerator. They will be ready in about one day.
Try making up a batch for your next barbecue or get together.


  1. Nom nom~!
    Welcome, summer delish!

    via EBT

  2. Sounds yummy, great for summertime BBQ's! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Just this morning I cut out a recipe on how to make pickles in the fridge! I don't think it had the cucumbers sit after salting them. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  4. Thanks for the recipe! This looks like a good one. Don't have a garden of my own this year, but when the farm stand has cukes, I'm going to be buying some for sure.
