Saturday, January 3, 2015

NFL Huddles Needlework Kits

No matter how much a person loves to create something beautiful with his or her own hands there are some parts of the process that are more fun than others. Some like looking at patterns and dreaming of what to make. Others drape themselves in luscious fabric and have pain when attempting to cut it. Still others like the actual work but hate the finish...the hand work, the hems or buttons.  (I've been at all of these places at some time or another and that's why I have UFO's). Then there are others who like a put together hunting the right color threads, no trying to decide the right thread count Aida cloth, no fuss, just get down to stitching. 
With the Get-Down-to-Work folks in mind I found these cute football kits. These are NFL Huddles Needlework Counted Cross Stitch kits made by the Nomis Yarn Company. 
Green Bay Packers Counted Cross Stitch Kit
Each kit is complete with 14 count white Aida cloth, appropriate color thread, a chart, instructions, and a needle.
Chicago Bears Counted Cross Stitch Kit
 These kits are unused and in the original packages. The design is 7 x 9 inches.
Los Angeles Rams Counted Cross Stitch Kit

Cleveland Browns Counted Cross Stitch Kit
Happy stitching. Keep your seams straight!

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