Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Magic of Books

Books have been my first love. They have got me through some of the hardest times of my life by giving me a place to escape and taught me to cook, sew, and be a better person. I am shocked and saddened when I hear people predict that books will someday be a thing of the past since Amazon and other online book sellers offer books online. Too busy? Listen to book. You can and I've tried it, but honestly, it's not the same. There is something truly summer-scrumptious about sitting on the front porch or on the beach with a book. The words are tasty morsels waiting to be devoured, each one special. A good story is the perfect escape from the everyday; it can take you across the globe and back in time. Often times, the story is so good that you become a part of it and saddened when it ends. I keep my favorite old books in my bookcase. Like old friends, I check on them every so often, keep them dusted, and glance through the pages that I know so well. Someone once told me their daughter was having a hard time reading. She didn't have any learning problems, she just hadn't discovered books yet. I told the woman to take her little girl to the library; make a special day of it and do that once a week or every other week. So simple a remedy that she hadn't even thought of it. Most local libraries have a section for children with a story time. The commercial book stores have them, too. Some even have coffee shops inside making the special treat easy to get. What a wonderful way to introduce someone to the magic of books!

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