Sunday, June 26, 2022

Crochet: The Lace of the Masses

 Hi! I'm back. Yes, it's been a while. During my hiatus I've been taking classes...lots of classes, in handwork, needlework, knitting, and crochet included.

Today I am listing the pattern leaflet "Fanciworks" by Coats & Clark. 

The leaflet has seven patterns to knit or crochet doilies and pillows. Some of the patterns are filet crochet while others involve the creation of handmade, knit or crochet, lace, which made me think of something someone said during a class. 

"At one time, lace was only worn by royalty and the wealthy. It was very hard to acquire, took long hours to make, and very expensive. Crochet was one way people could imitate the lace they could not afford."

This listing is a great example of that. 


Some of the patterns could be created to hang on a wall or in a window.  You can find the listing in my fiber art shop, PatternHaus Fiber Arts


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