Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Taking Pictures During Cold Weather


Snow Clad Tress ‹ Nevada, 2001  http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/exposing_snow.shtml

I love taking pictures. My dad was a photographer and he must have passed the camera bug down to me. I especially love taking pics with my new camera, an early Chanukkah present from the hubby. Well, taking pictures in winter weather, especially very cold winter weather is tricky. I don’t have too many problems in Florida (we rarely get into the teens much less have snow) but people up North do. Here’s a great post from the New York Institute about picture taking during winter.



  1. Winter is always my least favorite time for taking product pictures. The light is terrible! I'll have to give that a read.

    (By the way, the sponsor spotlight post for December went up yesterday.)

  2. I'm so glad to see someone talking about this! Taking product photos in the winter IS very tricky. The sunlight is low, and photos can have a bluish tint. One thing that helps me is to play around with my camera settings. Most cameras should have a snow setting to balance out the color. When all else fails, Photoshop! :)
